Thursday, 19 November 2009

section 4, questionnaire results and graphs

1) What gender are you?

From these results we have found that those who participated in our questionnaire were mostly female. Our results are bias, which means our music video will be based more on the opinions of females.

2) Please specify your age in the space given below.

From these results we found that we are catering to a predominantly youth audience of 16 to 18 years old. Our results are bias as the majority of the participants were seventeen year olds; therefore our results will be based mostly on that age groups opinion.

3) Which option best fits your favourite genre of music?

It is visible that the categories Pop and Rock were the most popular in this question; therefore we have decided to use the genre, Pop-Rock for the song in our music video, to please our target audience.

4) From your choice you have selected above which TV channels would you expect to find this genre?

It is clear that MTV is the most popular music television channel in the question, the channel is based on popular music, and therefore our genre of music will be Pop-Rock. We will also have to broadcast our music video on MTV.

5) From the genre you selected earlier are there any music magazines/music columns you read that constantly feature artist[s] of this genre?

From this result when produce our magazine advert we can advertise that it features NME magazine as it is the most popular amongst our target audience.

6) Other than your favourite genre being featured in web/print based applications are there any other aspects that you feel influence which product you read such as exclusive photo shoots or interviews?

Not many are bothered about special features; because of this we are going to make our advertisement be based purely on the track listing rather than extra content.

7) From the print/web applications you read do you feel that there is one specific product that stands out above the rest?

Most have no preference of web applications so we shall not advertise our product through the internet, so we can decide which is appropriate.

8) When purchasing albums/singles of your chosen genre are there any special features that are important to you that may influence your decision?

Most have no preference of the special features in an album or single, artistic influence is popular however, so we shall only advertise the artistic influence section on our mock cover album.

9) When purchasing albums/singles are there any music outlet stores you feel have a wider range of your chosen genre than others, do you know of any that have a considerably larger popularity with other listeners of your chosen genre?

HMV is the most popular music store in the question, therefore when we are promoting our music video; we shall use HMV as an example of where you can buy it.

10) Music videos are often composed of narrative, this is where the video has a short storyline that features throughout the video, where as others focus on the musical artist[s] creating a star image. Do you prefer music videos that: [Please circle one of the following]
[A] Focus on narrative [B] Focus on the musical artist[s] [C] A healthy mix

As Focus on Narrative is most popular, and so is a healthy mix. Therefore we will make the music video purely narrative based to please the target audience.

11) Do dance routines appeal to you in music videos?

Dance routines were unpopular, so therefore we are not going to feature dance routines in our music video.

12) When considering narrative in music video’s there is two choices, a linier narrative is where the storyline has a clear beginning, middle and end where as a non-linier narrative dose not, scenes may purposely go back on themselves, or shown backwards to prolong the story, where it may make no sense until the end. Which appeals to you more?

Non-Linear Narrative are shown to appeal to more people, therefore we shall be using an non-linear narrative in our music video.

13) The pace of editing is an important factor in achieving the right effect for a music video, fast paced editing is usually composed of lots of short shots that change frequently, this can be used to amplify the theme of action or aggression. However slow paced editing is composed of considerably longer shots that change less often, this can be used to achieve the effect of serenity or sadness. Which appeals to you more?

These findings tell us that in our music video we should focus more on fast-paced editing than slow-paced editing.

14) Unlike in the world of motor sales sex appeal is still a major factor used by the music industry to sell their products. Dose voyeurism of the female/male form appeal to you?

A vast majority find voyeurism of the female/male body offensive and so we shall not include this to make the music video feel less controversial.

15) In music videos there is often a relationship between the music/lyrics and visuals on screen, there are three categories of relation: Which appeals to you more?

It is clear from the results that we should focus more on Illustration when it comes to visual imagery.

16) There is often a strong trend in the way someone or something is represented in a music video, for example in 50 cents Candy Shop all women are represented as promiscuous. Do you think representation should be something the audience can relate with or something that they could only dream of?

From these results we know that we should make our music video unique by making representation something uncommon and it may also challenge the genre of music we are using.

17) In music videos there is a mode of address, a direct mode of address for example is when the artist[s] looks in to the camera as if there lyrics are aimed at the audience, where as an indirect mode of address is where we as the audience are purely observers to the narrative and in turn the artist[s] is ignorant of the audience. Some videos may also be said to have both. Which do you think is the most effective?

It is clear that we should have a mixture of direct and indirect mode of address in our music video to please our target audience.

18) Mise-en-Scene is term used for a wide range of elements used in production to achieve certain mood or feel to footage, these elements range from Scene, Make up and dress, characteristics of an actor such as movement and attitude to lighting and props, good composition and careful planning of mise-en-scene can create a signature style and perfect vibe for a music video setting it apart from the rest. What elements of mise-en-scene do think would make an effective imapact in a music video of your chosen genre?

From the results it is clear that we should focus more on make-up and dress when it comes to Mise-en-scene in our music video as it is clear that the audience feel that this is important.

19) What is your favourite decade of music?

We should use more modern music when we are selecting our song for the music video.

20) Are there any special effects you are particularly fond of in music videos of your chosen genre?

The majority have no real preference when it comes to special effects so we should keep special effects to the minimum and only use them when they are required or by keeping special effects simple.

21) Is there an average age range you prefer to see in music videos or do you prefer videos that feature mixed ages?

The majority prefer a mixed age range when it comes to who is in the video, therefore we shall include young and old people in the music video.

22) Is there a particular theme you have seen in other music videos that you would like to see a new twist on? [This could include seasonal themes such as “Summer” or “Christmas”]

The majority have no preference so we won’t have a focus on one particular theme, we will go for a more general approach towards our music video.

23) What time do you most regularly watch music videos?

The majority said evening so we may consider advertising the music video launch for an evening time-slot on television.

24) What do you think is the best resource for watching music videos?

The majority said Television, so we will advertise the music video to be first aired on a television channel.

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