Thursday, 19 November 2009

section 4 costume

Boy 1:

Head: Short spiky hair

Torso: Vertical striped shirt with a Navy Blue Jacket

Legs: Skinny Jeans

Feet: Smart/Casual shoes

Accessories: N/A

Overall look: The first male character is dressed very suave to represent him as being vain.


Head: Casual Baseball Cap

Torso: Slogan Shirt with a Casual Jacket

Legs: Casual Blue Jeans

Feet: White trainers

Accessories: N/A

Overall look: This male character is dressed very casually to represent him as not being as vain as the other Male Character and helps create a Binary Opposite.


Head: Casual Woollen hat

Torso: Checked Shirt

Legs: Skinny Jeans

Feet: White trainers

Accessories: Small casual handbag

Overall Look: The Female character is presented to still be bothered about how she looks but not to be as extreme as the First Male character.

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